Unique Tapedrive for the MSX/ZX Spectrum.
Two of a kind, two of a difference Atari 130XE + STE(16M)
Stacked up for Photoshow
Exposed! Yes, it’s alive!
King of Trans!
The Magic Dragon 1541!
Diagnostic kit for the Commodore 64
Extra goodies for the Commodore128D
Custom EXOS kernel
Hello Mr.Parallel Cable, may I socket with my burst nibbler?
Two of a kind for Parallel transferring
Zoomin’ the Commodore 64
Commodore 64 with reset for Drive and Machine
MOS FET SID 8580R5 for the Commodore 64 2SID recording machine
DarkStar being controlled by the Atari MEGA STE4 + FPU
Show off!
Show off!
RaspberryPi used for SerialTransfer between the PC and Amiga and Atari
The inside 🙂
Expansion RAM for the Commodore 64
Amiga1200 + Blizzard 1260@128mb RAM + CF 64GB + CF BOOT 8GB
Super Bas 64 + HW-Key for the Commodore 64
MAX Turbo + TWO Joysticks support for the ZX Spectrum
HesWare – HesMON 64 for the Commodore 64
Action Replay MK VI
The Magic ICE programer
Sound Expander SFX for the Commodore 64
Cartridge Expansion and RS232C Interfaces for the Commodore 64/128
Power Cartridge and The Final Cartridge II for the Commodore64/128
MIDI Interfaces for the Amiga
Datel EEprommer for The Commodore 64
MoonSound and CF/ATA/IDE for the MSX family